Debian installΒΆ

SOSSE can be installed using the official Debian repository. To do so, first import its GPG key:

apt update
apt install -y curl gpg
mkdir -p /etc/keyrings/
curl | gpg --dearmor > /etc/keyrings/piggledy.gpg

Then setup the repository:

echo 'deb [signed-by=/etc/keyrings/piggledy.gpg] bookworm main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/piggledy.list

The SOSSE package can then be installed with its dependencies:

apt update
apt install -y sosse

Database setupΒΆ

Database connection parameters can be changed in the /etc/sosse/sosse.conf file, you can find more information about each variable in the Configuration file reference).

Database creationΒΆ

The PostgreSQL database can be created with the commands:

su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"CREATE USER sosse WITH PASSWORD 'CHANGE ME';\""
su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"CREATE DATABASE sosse OWNER sosse;\""

Replace sosse by an appropriate username and password, and set them in the /etc/sosse/sosse.conf configuration file.

Database schemaΒΆ

The initial database data can be injected with the following commands:

sosse-admin migrate
sosse-admin update_se

A default admin user with password admin can be created with:

sosse-admin default_admin

Daemons setupΒΆ

And then enable the daemons and start them:

systemctl enable sosse-uwsgi
systemctl enable sosse-crawler
systemctl start sosse-uwsgi
systemctl start sosse-crawler

Nginx siteΒΆ

After installing the package, the Nginx site needs to be enabled with:

rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/sosse.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
systemctl restart nginx

Geckodriver setup (optional)ΒΆ

To crawl pages with Firefox, it is required to install Geckodriver, with the command:

curl -L | tar -C /usr/local/bin -x -v -z -f -


A more recent Geckodriver may improve compatibily with the installed Firefox, though different versions have not been tested to work correctly with Sosse.

Next stepsΒΆ

Congrats! The installation is done, you can now point your brwoser to the Nginx and log in with the user admin and the password admin. For more information about the configuration, you can follow the Administration pages.